Sellencer Help Center For Shops

Setting Up Target Market with Sellencer on Shopify

Sellencer enables Shopify store owners to define target markets for their products, ensuring they reach the right audience through influencers and creators. Follow these steps to set up your target market:

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Target Market

Step 1: Access Target Market Settings

  1. Navigate to Settings:
    • Go to your Shopify admin panel.
    • Navigate to the “Sellencer” app.
    • Select “Settings.”

Step 2: Define Target Market

  1. Select Countries:
    • Use the search bar to find and select countries where you want to sell your products.
    • Add these countries to your target market list.
  2. Update Shop Settings:
    • Click “Update Shop Settings” to save your target market configuration.

Step 3: Manage Influencer Requests

  1. Affiliate Link Requests:
    • By default, influencers and creators do not get automatic affiliate links for your store products.
    • They need to send a request to get the personal link.
    • This gives you the flexibility to approve influencers before they start promoting your products.
  2. Enable Request Requirement:
    • Check the box for “Influencers need to request for the product links” if you prefer to manually approve each request.
    • Click “Update Shop Settings” to apply this setting.
Why Setting Target Market is Important
  • Targeted Marketing: Ensures your products are promoted to audiences in the selected countries, maximizing sales potential.
  • Controlled Promotions: Allows you to approve influencers and creators, maintaining brand integrity and ensuring proper representation.
  • Optimized Reach: Helps the Sellencer algorithm show your products to the most relevant influencers based on the product category and target market.
Need More Help?
Updated on June 19, 2024